You can either click here to download the latest installer, or use your web browser to manually navigate to, click the "Download" button, then click "CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD VOICEATTACK VERSION x NOW", where "x" will be the version number. Download and install the latest full release version of VoiceAttack from the website once you install the Steam version you should automatically have your modified profile available).ġa. Should you try the trial but would prefer to purchase the Steam version, the changes you may have made to the default profile will be available in either version (I.E. if you purchase the website version you cannot use the Steam version without also purchasing that, and vice-versa).Īt the time of writing, only the website version is available as a trial (which is not limited in time, but only allows a single profile containing 20 commands, and does not allow importing or exporting profiles Purchasing a VoiceAttack license is required to use third-party profiles).

The Steam version is updated through Steam, while updating the website version will require you to download and install the newest installer again (for both methods, settings and profiles will be preserved and available after the update is complete).ĭecide which version fits you best before purchasing Licenses cannot be transferred between versions (I.E. Note that the website and Steam versions of VoiceAttack are functionally identical(that is, the applications themselves have the same capabilities). Additional training of the speech recognition engine Set up VoiceAttack and the Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine Activate the Steam version of VoiceAttack and optionally start VoiceAttack without Steam Install the latest full release version of VoiceAttack using Steam Register the website version of VoiceAttack

It contains the following sections (click a section title to open it): It is compiled with VoiceAttack v1.8.3 (the current full version, at the time of writing) and Windows 10 in mind, but will likely also apply to future versions of VoiceAttack. This guide will show you how to install VoiceAttack and set it up for basic use.