Encampment V2 - Black Ops 3 Mod - by ProRevenge (T4M REQUIRED) Shout out to HarryBo21 for all his assistance with this update, with perk scripts and many more, and working non stop to help fix co op issues we had You da man Harry! Note: Due to T4M, the Map may give bugged textures on load, to fix this, simply launch the map with your texture settings set to "high" instead of "extra", when in game, they can be changed back to extra without issue, although I recommend turning Specular Maps and Shadows off before changing texture settings, as changing them in game has a tendency to make WaW crash, after they are set to extra, turn Specs and Shadows back on This is a huge update for my map "Encampment" Released nearly a year ago, featuring: - Vision and aesthetic overhaul - HarryBo21's Perks V 5.2.0 - Lots of Black Ops 3 Weapons added, including Supply Drop weapons - Some of the older guns in the mod have been retextured to be better - Weaponfiles as close to originals as possible - BO3-Like HUD, including Round Counter, and Point Counter on the left - BO3 Double PAP Ammo Types added - Improved detail and texturing - Remapped some areas of the map - New Pack A Punch area - Power and Pack A Punch no longer need to be built - A New Special Round - Never before seen in Customs - A New Wonder Weapon - Improved ambience and atmosphere - A backing soundtrack - ZNS Zombie Shield - Challenges added, with a reward - Capped Zombie Numbers in higher rounds SCREENSHOTS: